Tuesday, February 18, 2014

 I Got Your Back.....

I'm not about leading..... But I am about instigating. I'd rather we walk alongside each other in this life, than one in front of the other. But, if I see that you need a push, I'll get behind you... and I hope you'll do the same for me.  Jamie Wright

I absolutely LOVE this quote!  It's how I see myself.   Me leading?  Pshaw....  But me INSTIGATING??  Now THAT I can do! And giving you a push....?! I'm there! 

I absolutely adore running across amazing bits of wisdom and truth, slapping it on a platter, and serving it up to anyone who will listen and engage.  There is nothing more exhilerating!

This is just me trailing my bread trail of random thoughts here, but when someone says they see me as "A leader", it's like saying I have an inside track on some special information and therefore more qualified to tell someone else what they need to do.  Uh... no.....  But I'll be glad to serve you up a saucer of "life as I see it" a la' mode.

I do see myself as an instigator.  Let me digress here for a moment.... I love the word "instigate" because it means to "urge on".... to "stir up".....  

That's what I love to do... urge others on..... stir up their  imagination, their hunger and thirst for life, for relationships, for God, for change, for.... for more..... more than what we've been led to believe is available to us.  

Most of us have been taught that there is a limit to what we can achieve in this life.  Often those limits are very restricted by our own perceptions.

I have become a "what if" girl and I think I have a friend or two that just cannot grasp that concept.  I see a titch of irritation come in when I stray from fact's to "what if...."  

What can I say?  I'm a dreamer.  I love the quote from the movie Uncle Buck - "I don't think I want to know a six year old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. OH YEAH!  That's me!  A sillyheart!

No, I am not six years old on the outside, but I certainly am on the inside.  Ask my friends.... I LOVE silliness!  It comes naturally to me.  You could say it's a gift!  Though some people aren't so sure it's a gift....

Over the last few days I have read over my blog posts from last year.  I have not allowed people to read them. I didn't even read them..... until now.  Ummm.... do I like them?   Not so much.  As I look them over I don't see a trace of that sillyheart.  I see a heart that is very bogged down with trying to figure things out.  

I know I can't always be silly.... and believe me..... often I won't be and you'll be wishing I was! I have a tendency sometimes to try to dig too deep.  Well, grab a shovel and come join me.  It's going to be a bumpy ride! : D