Word of the Year for 2016....
Hmmmm.... I just read a blog where the woman described how she picks a word for the year, each year. For two years she had the word "Do" as her word, switched to "improve" last year, and is now back to "do". I personally don't like the word because I associate it with go, go, go, which I now want the opposite of. (That's not what she meant, but that's how MY brain translated it.)
I did, however, think her concept an interesting one. In my last post I mentioned that I felt this year would be a year to simplify life for me. I like this concept of adopting a word for the year. What would your word be?
For me, it is two words. I plan to aim for simplification and focus this year. It may be because I am approaching my 50th birthday in May, am divorced, and now have an empty nest, but I look back and see how time is just a blur. I want to approach life differently and roll around in every moment that I can. I want to slow down and feel moments intensely. I cannot do that without simplifying my life, so I will roll the two into one word. This is my year of simp-er-fo! LOL Get it? Instead of simperfi, I want to practice simp-er-fo.... simplicity and focus.
Simper Fi is a marine slogan that means always faithful. I do want to practice that, but that is a no-brainer. I think we all want to give and receive that. I love, love, LOVE words and making a play on words, so I came up with simp-er-fo off of the top of my head. Not the best, but it will work for me! How about you? You have any words of the year, or play on words, that you would like to share? Let's hear 'em!