And the Walls Came Tumbling Down....
And so your
tradition empties the commandment of God of all its meaning. You
hypocrites! Isaiah describes you beautifully when he said: ‘These people
draw near to me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but
their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as
doctrines the commandments of men’.” Matthew 14:6-9
This verse sounds harsh, doesn't it? "But your heart is far from me" came to my mind this morning as I lie there meditating on things. I had been thinking of how I, and may others, are doing "works" for God instead of acts of kindness flowing from a heart of faith.
In this verse, Jesus was speaking to the scribes and pharisees. These were people who taught but did not follow their own teachings. They flaunted their "good works" before others in order to make themselves look superior. Some of us may do that, but I feel it is often unintentional.... somehow a legalistic noose has gotten itself around our spiritual necks and convinced us we will perish if we do not "work" hard for God. However, when we count on our works to make us worthy, then we are no longer walking in faith.
Works and Faith go hand in hand. If you just have works, then you may do things out of obligation. Maybe what is spurring that obligation is fear... fear if you don't work hard enough for God, you will be punished. Maybe what is spurring someone on is that their trying to earn brownie points with God. Maybe what is spurring it IS self righteousnesness - Hmmmph... See how much more holy I am than you because I do all of this?"
If you just have faith but don't put feet to it, then maybe you don't have love. In other words, you don't yet have a firm grasp on the heigth, the depth, the awe inspiring wonder of God's boundless love and grace.
When you know you are loved.... when you are in those first stages of romance.... don't you just gush and ooh and awe and trip over yourself in reciprocating that love. The whole world and everyone else in it become a lot sweeter. You WANT to do good.
I feel that is what happens once you have spent time devoting yourself to coming to know God on an intimate level. An intimate knowledge of His love for you can't help but bubble up and out of you into a desire to shower that same love on others. I believe that until you have that foundation.... that foundation of a relationship with God built on His love.... then maybe all you are doing is works. I don't know. This is just me ruminating.
I had to stop doing things because I "should" and just devote myself to asking God to open my eyes to His love.... to His heart toward me. True love is something that you can't fake but we do fake it when we set ourselves to "working for God", instead of tripping over ourselves in an eagerness to spill out His love onto others.
Doesn't your heart just warm up when someone you don't know gives you a genuine heartfelt smile and not the perfunctionary "works" of a smile. It makes you feel like they saw something in you, a stranger, that sparked something in them. Maybe it's that warming of the heart that allows a little bit of hope and faith quietly slide in.
I believe that understanding what true, Godly love is does not just fall easily into our laps. In my God journey I reached a crossroads. I was so frustrated. The burdens of religion had become so heavy to carry that I began to sense I was missing something. That sensing turned into a full blown cry to God. "I feel like I'm missing something!" I had a crisis of faith where I started questioning all that I knew. That crisis has led me to pursuing more of life, love, Jesus, and has given me a taste of God's love that leaves me insatiable for more.
Matthew 13:44 “God’s kingdom is like a
treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a
trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell
everything he owns to raise money and buy that field." To fit my point, here are my words as an interpretation of this verse- "Once you begin to get even a tiny taste, a tiny sliver of revelation about God's love, you will do whatever you can to get a revelation of the whole package."
Once we begin to get a revelation of God's love then the walls of legalism in our lives come tumbling down. We begin to move, breathe and find our being in love.... GOD's love..... real, true love.... holy love.....
When the walls start to fall, be aware that it is normal to be confused, skeptical, fearful, doubting, distrusting, etc. After all, the world you believed in is collapsing. Yet at the same time, you will most like feel a niggle of delight, awe, wonder and hope down deep. Can this really be true....?!
I love the thought, "True love is... tripping over ourselves in an eagerness
to spill out His love onto others." And I want to add "especially when we know that they cannot or will not give anything in return."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never
haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not
irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even
notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If
you love someone, you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You
will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always
stand your ground in defending him."
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